
Forensic Heroes II~Episode 11

Kevin and Frankie had recognised that they had fought with 喪狗 15 years ago, on the same day that he had died! Of course, they then had to be questioned by the police about this. Both of them told a recount of one happened that day when they fought喪狗 at 慈雲山配水庫. Because they were probably the last people to see喪狗, they were not allowed to participate in the case.

Fred and Yvonne decided to go back to慈雲山配水庫 to look for more evidence to prove that Kevin and Frankie are innocent. The 重案組 team on the other hand were trying to find out what喪狗’s real name is.


Back at Bobby and Frankie’s flat, Frankie is sent a photo of him and Ivan fighting with 喪狗. The sender calls himself ‘witness’ and says that if Frankie doesn’t want people finding out about his fight with 喪狗 because it will ruin his reputation, then he has to give him $10 000. Blackmail...


The witness sent another email to Frankie telling him to go to 順寧道公園門囗 at 9 p.m. the next day to hand over the money, and that he would be wearing a grey jacket and hat. The 重案組 team gave him the name of ‘灰貓’.


On the night a man wearing a grey jacket and grey hat did come to take the money, but Frankie was able to test that he wasn’t the witness that had sent him the email. So then they continued to follow the man, hoping to find ‘witness.’ When people came out from the alleyway, they could tell who witness was because previously, they had put powder onto the bag containing the money, and with special binoculars, they could see who had touched the bag.

‘Witness’, whose real name is was able to prove that after Frankie and Kevin had fought with 喪狗, whose real name is 周長發, 喪狗 was still alive. Unfortunately, 馮添 left after stealing 喪狗’s watch and necklace, and didn’t see who had killed 喪狗.


Kevin helping Charmaine fix her DVD player: Kevin picked up Charmaine’s pen again and Charmaine found out that it was actually Kevin that had picked up her pen for her the other day.

Charmaine invited the whole of the forensics and 重案組 team to her house for a party. Charmaine’s mum’s stomach started hurting when they arrived and it was food poisoning from having eaten food from Charmaine’s stepbrother’s restaurant.

Charmaine’s dad rushed over to see Charmaine’s mum and her stepmother came too, and started accusing Charmaine’s mum of pretending to be sick and causing the complaints to her son’s restaurant. How much more of a b**** could she be?
She even called Charmaine the three words, 掃把星 (pronounced ‘tong-ju-dun’) which means something along the lines of bringing bad luck to her husband, perhaps even causing death!

Charmaine says, ‘Right! My mum has gotten sick from eating food from YOUR son’s restaurant. There’s no way he’s ever getting any business again, or I’m not called 馬幗英!


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