
Forensic Heroes II~Episode 3

+3Ooh finally! In the last episode, Kevin finally came!!! (Sorry, just getting a bit carried away there) Somehow in the confusion, he ends up holding the bomb while the cowards run away. It was a good idea as his job is a bomb disposal expert.

The people all back away while Kevin gets ready to dispose the bomb into a hole surrounded by sandbags. *Suspense* OMG... so nerve racking watching him slowly lower the hand grenade into the hole. Ok... he’s letting go in slow motion (aargh, this is torture). Yay! He made it over the wall of sandbags in the 4 seconds that he had.


Surprisingly, even though he didn’t see the person’s face, he recognized that he had a tattoo on his hand and was a long-term smoker. Turns out that Kevin and Frankie knew each other 15 years ago before Kevin left to go to England. Kevin was meant to come five years ago, but didn’t turn up until now. They were both actually bad guys!!! That is, when they were young of course. Kevin had gone to England to study bomb disposal and forensics while Frankie, with encouragement from his sister, has become a forensic writer. Oh and did I mention, Kevin was the one who sent the knife.


Through Charmaine’s flashbacks, I saw that Wong Jing Hung had risked his life to help Charmaine because he wanted to get paid for being a ‘line’. Then, after they caught Lee Sing Cheung, he and his family could travel overseas to start a new life together.


I quite disliked this incident because it seemed to have worsened Bobby and Yoyo’s relationship. Bobby had invited Yoyo to dine with him that night at a romantic restaurant called ‘Dream’. Unfortunately, this is where Frankie had proposed to Linda, and led to Yoyo thinking that Bobby was going to propose to her that night. And he was! He gave her a box of chocolates, like Frankie did to Linda (except one of Linda’s chocolates had a ring) and Yoyo was disappointed to find that there was nothing but chocolate in hers. At least it shows she wanted to marry him!

Matthew and Charmaine go to Sing Sing Bar. Their aim was to find out more about Wong Jing Hung selling drugs there, as a uni-graduate who had recently died after using drugs bought from him. As they are leaving, they see Jack Wu outside the bar, burning some white paper in a silver tray. (This is a traditional Chinese custom that is done for people who have passed away).


(The guy in the striped shirt is the uni-graduate that died after wandering out onto the road and getting hit by a van).


They find out that Jack had been lying the whole time. It had actually rained that morning when Jack had gone looking for his key ring, so the key should have lots of mud on it, but it didn’t, which proves that he had actually dropped it

Frankie recognized one of the bruises on Wong Jing Hung’s body that looked exactly like the picture on Jack’s key ring. We have a suspect! Also, the key ring was a medal from an architectural competition, so it couldn’t belong to Jack as he only went up to year 9 at school. Charmaine arrives and reveals that the key ring belongs to Jack’s brother, who was the uni-graduate that had died after consuming the drugs supplied by Wong Jing Hung. I’m jumping to conclusions here but Jack probably killed Wong Jing Hung because the drugs that he sold had caused his brother’s death.


When they inspected Jack’s house they found Wong Jing Hung’s blood and mud from the war
game centre on his shoes. Jack admits that he went to his house and did hit him with the baseball bat, but that Wong Jing Hung had chased him to the war game centre and fell into the wild pig trap by accident. I was disappointed for a moment as I was so sure my prediction was right. Right on time, Frankie and Bobby arrive, saying ‘YOU’RE LYING. YOU HAD IN FACT PLANNED TO KILL WONG JING HUNG ALL ALONG’.

Sorry if the image quality isn't that great... studying, homework, lots of stuff taking up my time at school so yeah, will try harder!

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