

WoW! I just realised I haven't posted anything in 10 days! Ok, nothing to be proud of, just can't believe how hectic this week was. Almost had mental breakdown! This past week I have still been writing summaries, but had no time to post them and do caps, so it all kinda accumulated. Well now, I have got some work off my back so I have posted a lot!

I just posted up SOS summaries for ep. 15, 16, 17, 18 and MR summary for ep. 1 which is directly below this post. Enjoy! (While I go and kill myself doing homework again!><)

oso celebrations i am a 'big nose' at batgwa community! i must admit, i am very batgwa so <3 dis forum! p.s if you are member, please let me know so i can add you as my friend if i haven't already! If you aren't Hope U Come Join Us!

1 comment:

Tony Chew said...

Jika Anda terbiasa dengan kasino online, kasino langsung akan tampak sedikit merepotkan. Berpindah game atau tabel tidak instan. Seorang pemain harus bangkit, mengambil keripiknya dan secara fisik pindah ke meja berikutnya. Kursi di gim pilihan Anda mungkin tidak tersedia pada jam-jam sibuk