
Forensic Heroes II~Episode 12

I'm being v. lazy with my posts on FHII, coz now that I've finished watching, it doesn't seem that much fun anymore... still, can't leave something unfinished!

I’m glad that they understand now why Charmaine acts ‘cool’, because she had an unhappy past... Kevin remembers when he had said there must have been a very happy story behind the pen with 樂 engraved on the lid.

At the martial arts center owned by one of the people that went to the same martial arts club as喪狗, they ask the owner if he knows喪狗. The guy says he doesn’t know喪狗 but you can tell that he is lying. Charmaine notices that the receptionist, Winnie, looks like she’s trying to hide something and that she has burn scars on her right hand, which is how 馮添 had described喪狗’s wife. So when Winnie starts walking away, Charmaine says: ‘Where are you going, 阿鳳?’

The owner of the martial arts club had gone to Thailand for two years and when he came back, 喪狗 had already died. The wife had been in hospital during that time because喪狗 had been physically abusive towards her and caused a miscarriage. I’m hating喪狗 already, even though he’s just a made up person. It’s sad to know though, that there are people like that in real life.


At Winnie’s house, they found pictures of 喪狗 with other women, taken by 馮添, who was a private detective, and also a threatening letter, which read: 喪狗, 我們江湖中人 最重要是講道義, 你竟然淫人妻女 簡直天理不容, 人人得而誅之 如果你缳是繼續執迷不悟 後果嚴重, 小心你的狗命◦ 江湖大佬 Winnie accidentally ripped two photos stuck together so they cannot see who the woman was anymore. So obviously the murder has something to do with her... very predictable.

At the hostel in the photo, Charmaine and Raymond found an ashtray left behind by the woman in the photo. Also, the paper the letter was written on special paper used for drawing.


Charmaine’s stepmother came to the hospital to apologise hoping that they won’t sue her son (they were never planning to), but after getting a call that the restaurant had been sued, she immediately blamed it on Charmaine and her mum.

Kevin apologises about the day when he made assumptions as to Charmaine’s past, but Charmaine said: ‘Well, you’re correct, I once was happy.’
Kevin: ‘Did you know, [once was], these two words are the world’s most deadly curse? ‘I once was rich, I once was young. When you say it, it makes it seem as though it is all past tense, and that it will never happen again.’ I agree!


On the ashtray, which was actually a calligraphy brush rest, the words 妙雲93 were engraved onto it, 93 being the year 93 when 喪狗 died. When they looked up 妙雲, they found that it was the name of the woman in the photo, who now owns a place for art lessons.

The woman said that 喪狗 had forced her to sleep with him, otherwise he would make trouble for her family. Charmaine noticed that 張妙雲’s husband was surprisingly calm when he found out that she had been arrested because of 喪狗. She guessed that he probably already knew about what happened 15 years ago. After comparing her husband’s writing to the threatening letter, they found out that it was 張妙雲’s husband [傅志輝] that had written the letter.


There isn’t much screencaps for this episode, mainly because there just wasn’t that much worth capturing... the cases, though I must admit, are getting better.

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